Tuesday, January 26, 2021

On FullyRaw Kristina

FullyRaw Kristina can be annoying and overly positive at times. Her brand of veganism can indeed sometimes lack inclusivity towards those with lesser financial capabilities. And I must admit that, to this day, I am bothered by her erstwhile association with John Rose and her Iridology bullshit in addition to her refusal to use her platform to support the #blacklivesmatter movement or in vocal opposition to Donald Trump. HOWEVER, I firmly refuse to believe she is a White supremacist anti-Semite.

For starters, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram isn't White. Her heritage is indigenous South American and Middle-Eastern. She is half-Ecuadorian and half-Lebanese, making her partly Semitic. She has even referenced her Arab heritage time and time again on her channel. She has also addressed, over a year ago, her initial association with John Rose and has apologised for it, in addition to some of her other misgivings. Yes, Kristina is not perfect. She is far from it. She panders to the moneyed and her brand of veganism is not the most widely accessible. At best, she is a rich snob with a proclivity for toxic positivity but she is NOT a racist, anti-Semitic, White supremacist Holocaust denier as she has been painted to be by many other vegan influencers. She is absolutely not my favourite but I strongly refuse to believe that she is an evil person.